blah blah unpowered security, investigators and emergency response, TO&E The Danzai Soldiers: Danzai Black: Oldest on the team at late 20s, he had several years' experience as a normal officer before the Danzai Gear was produced. Ridiculously strong and tough. Dantitan type: Tortoise Danzai Blue: Basically Eury from original Danzaiver, aged up to be a bit less creepy with the harem-anime-style competing over Danzai Red with her twin. Speedster and acrobat, with one of only two fully flight-capable Danzai Gear. Dantitan type: Hawk Danzai Green: Euly, as for Eury. Special abilities based on stealth and illusions, can go intangible. Dantitan type: Wolf Danzai Red: Hot blooded shonen protagonist with spiky hair & sideburns, basically a rookie version of Sho, the original series' Danzaiver. His power is awesome, as in kicking logic to the curb and winning on sheer determination and guts. Well, that and shooting big balls of lightning. Dantitan type: Tiger Danzai Orange: Sieg Blaise, token gaijin, has the second flight-capable Danzai Gear. Sniper-type. Dantitan type: Crane Dantitans: All combat capable seperately, but only DanPheonix has a humanoid form of its own. To combine, DanTortoise forms the legs, then DanTiger attaches as the body core. DanHawk and DanWolf attach on either side as the arms, and DanCrane becomes the head and wings. Like the Dantitans themselves, Grand Titan is piloted via a merge system, and has special abilites that change depending on which of them is in primary control, with the other four taking support positions in a shared cockpit. Heavenly Grand Titan, formed by having DanPheonix become extra armor parts, broke this pattern in that Danzai White remained merged at and provided his special power of healing at all times, even as the normal round-robin piloting of the main team continued unchanged. The currently merged main pilot could enter a shared imaginary space with him where time passed in seconds to the percieved minute, and the others in the cockpit could communicate freely via an intercom like they do with the main pilot, but he never actually joined them in it. It is unknown if doing so would have allowed Heavenly Grand Titan to use two of the normal team's powers at once, but likely. Episode 8: Don't say "quit!" A new Danzai Soldier!? Summary: Upset with the need to hold back and gather information on a Darken Army operation, Danzai Red argues fiercly with Danzai Black. When an opportunity appears, he charges ahead and gets in a pinch, requiring the rest of the team to come to his rescue. Disheartened, he considers quitting from Justice Agents Danzaivar. Arisa Shade overhears him while spying on the team, and tailors a Darken Beast for seduction to further drive a wedge in the team. Suspiscious of the new rival, Euly and Eury follow them and attempt to interfere, but Sho catches them. In his anger, he proclaims that he really will quit and storms away! With the Danzai Soldiers in disarray, Arisa Shade corners them one at a time and drains their powers with the Dan Zan Cross-Out Shot. When the Darken Beast finally attacks, Sho faces an impossible battle! Returning to the Danzai Foundation to reactivate the implated summoning device, he discovers Arisa just as Danzai Black finally succumbs to her attack. But, before he can act, the Darken Beast pounces Sho from behind! (commercial break) Escaping again from Arisa and her Darken Beast, Sho reaches the lab of Dr. Kiyomizu and has the Danzai Gear reactivated. With it, the infiltration-type Darken Beast is easily dispatched, and he deals Arisa a wound that forces her to retreat, but not before having his own energy greatly drained. Collapsing as soon as the battle is over, Sho and the other Danzai Soldiers are brought to the medical lab, but cannot be revived without renewing their powers with the Danzaitron device that originally granted them, and if not done soon they will die - Sho is in espescially bad shape because he continued to fight even with most of his power drained. Because it was disassembled and stored in seperate locations for security, this requires full effort from the regular Justice Agents, as Darken Army monsters are running rampant without the Danzai Soldiers to keep them contained. After several close scrapes, Dark Master makes a personal appearance to destroy the last component still in transit: the control elemtent that regulates the Danzaitron's power. (commercial break) Knowing that it is the only chance for the Danzai Soldiers to survive, and that they are the only chance for the world to survive, Dr. Kiyomizu uses his own body as the control elelment for the Danzaitron, and vanishes in the burst of light as it is activated. Revived, the Danzai Soldiers quickly dispatch the Darken Beasts and confront Arisa Shade. Cornered, she uses the Big Power spell on herself and becomes Cheshire Arisa, but with the teammambers switching their special abilities Grand Titan counters every attack and corners Cheshire Arisa, before Danzai Red switches into primary control and deafeats her using Grand Lightning Drive. Afterward, the Danzai Soldiers attend a funeral for Dr. Kiyomizu, where Sho makes a speach reaffriming his commitment to the Justive Agents and to working as one with the team. As Euly and Eury glomp him from either side, the scene pulls back to reveal the profile of an unknown Danzai Gear watching it on a monitor. New ED theme and animation, though the scenes showing the new Danzai Soldier have him and his Dantitan as blacked out silhouettes. (In the season finale, it's revealed that Daisuke allowed everyone to continue to think he died because he feared it would shake Sho's resolve again if Daisuke turned up alive, after dedicating himself to the Justice Agents in honor of Daisuke's self-sacrifice. Sho slaps him on the back after he apologises for allowing their grief to continue, and tells him that of course he'd never really leave for good. Except, in this version, Daisuke didn't manage to teleport out of the collapsing Darken Castle before the pocket dimension dissappeared... which means he's not there to become Danzai Gold for the second season either. Uh oh...)